Tuesday, July 2, 2019

CRAFTS - Jewelry Making (With Metal And Stone)

by MJ Darling

Learn to be an artisan, making jewelry with your bare hands and a few simple tools!
Jewelry by MJ Darling
This craft is more than about mere accessorizing. Its more about the physical and energetic benefits of the combined metals and stones applied to the person, both directly and/or indirectly.

As known and first used in the Kemetic (Pre-Greek and Arabian Egypt) sciences, this technology was used in and robbed from the ancient Egyptian pyramids by excavation crews led by graverobbers (Volta being among them) and has since been reverse-engineered and imitated by the rest of the world.

Thoth, the Egyptian deity that is believed to have brought alchemical arts and sciences to mankind.

Copper is one of the most important elements that influences the human body.

It helps blood regulate free-radicals and metallic molecules that circulate and often accumulate in the human body (e.g. Gout/Iron Overload) physically producing collagen and absorbing iron. 

It is recorded that ancient copper miners were believed to stay free of arthritis and many other inflammatory ailments that the general populous had been contracting. 

Many from all over the world swear by copper's effectiveness especially concerning arthritis.
Its also one of (if not) the best conduits for projection of energies with the least resistance including electricity and more subtle energies such as human intention. 
Copper healing wand.
There are many historical depictions of ancient pharaohs and powerful royalty donning these metals and stones that it turns out were more for their health and energetic clarity than about their abject wealth or status.


Being that the earth, the cosmos and the body are all connected, each therefore has an effect on the other.

The use of specific metal and stones (and crystals) offer the energetic supplements needed to equalize the various fields of the singular human body.

The body is organically physical, mental, astral and energetic including the electromagnetic field.
Each stone or crystal is said to have properties that promote more optimal regulatory functions, protection, logic, lucid dreaming, energetic cleansing and more by helping cells communicate more clearly with each other.

These stones also act as capacitors that capture and store energetic vibrations so it is necessary to cleanse your stones occasionally for best results.


The following is a video playlist featuring... .. and many more explaining how these metal, stone and crystal combinations work together and how to use this ancient "technology" in your own life as well!

The following is a video playlist with the likes of Crazy Matt, Helena Daydreamer, Lan Ann Handmade, Making It Easy With Liz, Kelly Jones Jewelry, Heather Boyd Wire, Laura Binding and many more explaining the many types of wire jewelry making (including advance metal weaving) and how to begin creating artistic works/products for yourself!

As always, just hit play and use the in-screen options to either toggle through the playlist, play full-screen from Youtube or cast it onto your smart TVs and binge-watch away!

If you'd like to start your new life or your own business but aren't sure just how or where to begin, contact us now to embark on this exciting quest together and unleash the extraordinary within you!
Bringing STARSHIP scholastic awards and initiatives for innovation to your city!

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

HOLOGRAPHY - Explained (DIY Projects Inside)!

by M Jvlian Simmons

Holograms (in my opinion) have been one of the single most intriguing objects of fascination for as long as they have existed. 

As time goes on, the world's knowledge of it has gotten to where they not only can animate them but also cross them with cutting-edge technology to offer a more immersive user experience to the general public.

They can also be used to synergize your creative and/or artistic projects setting you apart from all others by leaps and bounds!

This is largely why we decided back when we started in 2010 on white typesetting and image vectors/layers over a black background or what's come to be known as "dark mode" as our general aesthetic.

Its easy on the eyes plus it all lends itself to forthcoming holographic presentations in the very near future.

The following is a video playlist with the likes of Red Bull Academy, AtmosFX, Hacker Shack, River Valley TV, Benjie Enriquez, Make, JLaservideo, Techmoan and many more explaining the many types of holography (including "hollusions", Scratch/abrasion holography and lenticular photography) including how they intersect with modern technology to bring us more fully into the sci-fi age!

As always, just hit play and use the in-screen options to toggle through the playlist, play full-screen from Youtube or cast it onto your smart TVs and binge-watch away!
If you'd like to start your new life or your own business but aren't sure just how or where to begin, contact us now to embark on this exciting quest together and unleash the extraordinary within you!
Bringing STARSHIP scholastic awards and initiatives for innovation to your city!

Friday, April 24, 2015

MUSIC/DJING/PRODUCTION - Things A DJ Will Go Through For The Rest Of Their Lives

by Digitaltips.com ; curated by James Ahlschlager

Here Is A List of "Things" DJs Will Go Through For The Rest Of Our Lives!!!

1. You can never go to a nightclub and just 'have fun'; oh, no. 

Even if you can get over the secret jealousy of wanting to be DJing, you're hyper-critical of everything from the DJs, to the sound system, to the way the door is being run; the lot.

The more you DJ out, the more this one creeps up on you, until going out simply becomes research/checking out the competition. 

You, in short, become a not very fun person to go out (clubbing) with.

2. You spot instantly when a CD loops in a bar, cafe, etc.  

You feel you are generally the only person who notices background music anyway, and so naturally, you're the only one who gets upset when you hear a CD play on loop.

It's especially annoying in nice restaurants, where you can't help yourself thinking, "Why did they pay so much attention to everything apart from the music?"
Saying this out loud, though, usually gets you a kick under the table from your other half for being so miserable.

3. You can spot instantly when a speaker is distorting, even at 50 yards!

Picture this: You're on a lovely beach with friends or partner, sun shining, cold drink, and in the distance, a little beach shack plays top 40 radio through a distorted old speaker.

Can you relax? No chance.

That little plastic speaker becomes the bane of your life until you are finally out of earshot.

Even the crap they're playing becomes secondary to the quality!

4. You can no longer count past four (crazy but true).

You find yourself counting any rhythm anywhere, or just an imaginary rhythm in your head, and naturally, you go "one, two, three, four" round and round.

At least you're not a microphone roadie with a rock band; they get stuck at "one-two! one-TWO!"

Q: What did the drummer name his twin daughters? A: Anna 1; Anna 2...

5. You can't hear a song that you know played in full, without hearing "your" transitions.

"Why isn't song X coming in?" you think, until you remember that this isn't actually your mix, but just one of "your" songs being played somewhere else.

Related: Not liking the speed a song is being played at, because you play it at a different speed.

6. You hear mistakes when everyone else thinks the DJ is awesome.

Smart DJs learn not to point out train wrecks and other DJing errors to their friends, who, we learn, are not afflicted like us, and generally happy to dance through even appalling errors.

Related: Spotting mixes that aren't in key.

7. You get annoyed when TV commercials brutally edit songs.

And what really annoys you is that they are not respecting the underlying song structure (see point 4; see, you can't help it!

You're subconsciously counting those beats and bars in fours).

8. When someone asks you "what's your favourite music?" you reply "for what purpose?"

Being unable to separate what you like from what you think any given dancefloor might like is bad, but it's hard to stop this developing from the necessary skill of simply separating the two things in your head.

9. Instantly spotting when your windscreen wipers, indicator lights or even a loud clock are in time with the music you're playing.

This one really does feel close to madness sometimes (for me anyway), spotting a beatmatch between car hardware and car stereo.

Related: Beatmatching your strides to the songs on your headphones when our running.

10. You can't help yourself frantically trying to remember snippets of song lyrics in order to Google them later; normally when Shazam fails to recognize a new song you know you've got to have.

11. You are utterly unable to keep yourself away from DJ booths.

Mainly this is to see the equipment the DJ is using, hopefully it isn't to make requests, although I am personally fond of just shaking the DJ's hand on the way out, if I've enjoyed his or her music.

After all, we (DJs) all know how much that means, don't we?

12. Having the sudden urge to go and adjust the sound when another DJ is playing. 

Right, I've actually done this (in fact, it was the pitch).

TRUE STORY - Some dude was playing 80s megamixes at +8, and he slipped off to the toilet, so I marched up and set it all to the right speed ( only to slink away like a coward when I saw him returning). :)

13. You turn anything with a volume fader into DJ equipment, and so get irrationally annoyed at any
kind of audio gear that has electronic up/down volume controls instead of a knob you can use to cut the music in and out quickly with!
14. You are the only person who spots the odd song from the '90s at a so-called "'80s night".

I mean, we can all hopefully understand why no normal, sane person would care about this, but it's wrong, isn't it?

Seriously, I do hope you can still go out and have fun at least sometimes, and that you can see how we DJs can be just a little annoying to everyone else, at least every now and then!

I wanted to end with a true story from our friends over at Tuff Covers.

One of that gang went to a pre-natal appointment, and when the nurse scanned their tiny unborn baby, and its little heartbeat echoed through the examination room.

I quote, "I knew the BPM of the baby's heartbeat before the machine even worked it out"!

There really is no hope for some people. :)

Make a donation, to help us create STARSHIP scholastic awardsand initiatives for innovation, in our city!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

TEXT-TO-SPEECH - This New Voice Synth Will Make You Type "Hallelujah"!

Curated by M Jvlian Simmons

Click to download VoiceMX Studio
In mix media production, sometimes, you need an anonymous voice to announce or as we call it 'tag' your material.

In our cloudcasts, you'll hear them loud and clear peppered throughout, so that the listener will know both who is doing the mix, and by whom is it sponsored/brought.

Sometimes, the person doing the mix doesn't speak well enough to announce, or may not have a microphone to vocalize themselves at the time.

In other instances, one's budget and/or resource pool may not include a trained announcer to read for you every time you have a project to produce.

Everything is where you can easily see it.
This is why we decided to share our solution for vocal synthesis, VoiceMX Studio.

Very simple, elegant, user-friendly, and most importantly, open-source (free), this program met our audio tagging needs in a snap, and can do so for you too.

Just click their icon above to download it for FREE, and comment, like, and share if this resource has helped you!

Make a donation, to help us create STARSHIP scholastic awardsand initiatives for innovation, in our city!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

MUSIC - MIX IN KEY (DJs, Get Your Free Key-Mix Program And Camelot Harmonic Mix Matrix!!!)

Curated by M Jvlian Simmons

Click Icon to Download Keyfinder program

If you haven't already guessed, key estimation programs like Mixed In Key cost up to $60.

Many just don't have that kind of money to shell out just for a program to put music in a particular order; I don't care how potentially useful it is!

Allow us to introduce a STARSH!P approved alternative, Keyfinder, an open-source (free) solution for DJ's everywhere!

Simple, and to-the-point, just drag your audio into the gigantic space that says so, and then press "run batch analysis"-
..voila; all your mix music now has its keys noted in its ID3/metadata section (given certain customizations we'll supply for you as well).

We're also giving out STARSH!P wallpaper(s) featuring the Camelot harmonic mix matrix that helps you to navigate, keep your mix in tune, and manipulate moods/energy (btw, we'll add in more wallpapers as we create them)! 

NOTE: Although these programs are free, they aren't cheap to create, so be grateful, and donate to them when you can, thanks!

Make a donation, to help us create STARSHIP scholastic awardsand initiatives for innovation, in our city!

2014 EDITION - Feel free to save a copy for your own deck's laptop screen!

2017 EDITION - Feel free to save a copy for your own deck's laptop screen!